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An Alternative Path to
Migraine Freedom

migraine doctor scottsdale

From being

on a Treadmill

of Failed

Migraine Therapies 

to Real Pain-Freedom.

The path to Real Migraine Relief begins with Cracking Your Personal Migraine Code.

How Neuregen's Optimization-based Approach to Migraine offers a Real Opportunity for Headache Freedom.

Neuregen's Comprehensive Treatment approaches address interconnected, brain mechanisms to effectively manage and reduce migraines.

Migraines are a complex neurological disorder characterized by recurring episodes of moderate to severe headaches, often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, photophobia (light sensitivity), phonophobia (sound sensitivity), and, in some cases, aura. In certain individuals, migraines become persistent and chronic, defined as experiencing headaches on 15 or more days per month for at least three months.  Current medical understanding of migraine is that treatment should aggressively prevent migraines from becoming this frequent, and when migraines are this frequent, the migraine sufferer would likely benefit from the care of a medical professional experienced and trained in treating this condition.  

Persistent migraines are linked to various central and peripheral nervous system mechanisms, as well as emotional and psychological contributors. Understanding these factors can not only aid in effective treatment and management but also open the door for personalized treatments.

Neuregen's integrative, optimization-based treatment program for Migraine is based on current, evidence-based guideline for the treatment of Migraine as well as a comprehensive brain and nervous system-based approach. 

This involves an in-depth assessment of both the central and peripheral nervous system to identify treatment targets.  This fundamental component is important: Most headache specialists will utilize central nervous system-based therapies (i.e., therapies like prescription medication that target the processes of migraine in the brain).  However, our experience has indicated that for many migraine sufferers, while the pain is experienced as "in the head", the actual cause is often "outside the head" in the tiny nerves surrounding the neck and head.

Our program is based on our optimization approach, which essentially aims to improve overall brain function (rather than just treating symptoms) as a means to bolster the brain's own ability to block pain.  

Optimization-Based Migraine Therapy = Migraine Relief through Improved Brain Function.

Peripheral Nerve Assessment & Treatment

Sensitization of peripheral nerves, particularly branches of the trigeminal nerve and cervical plexus, can significantly contribute to the persistence of migraine. Undiagnosed inflammatory processes in peripheral nerve fibers, can increase their sensitivity to both painful and non-painful stimuli, resulting in amplified pain transmission to the brain.  Neuregen's approach expertly assesses the tiny nerves of the face, head, and neck, identifying targets for treatment using precision therapies.  By cutting down on irritating "pain traffic" to the brain, the brain's pain system can 'calm down', potentially reducing intensity and frequency of headache events. 

Addressing Anxiety & Stress Drivers

Emotional stress is a well-documented trigger for migraines and a factor that can contribute to their chronicity. Individuals with chronic stress or anxiety disorders are more susceptible to frequent migraine attacks. Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system and the release of certain hormones that can influence pain pathways by increasing inflammation and decreasing resistance to "aggravating stimuli".

Depression & Migraine

Depression and migraine frequently exist at the same time, with each condition contributing to the worsening of the other. Depression is present in up to 50% of people with chronic migraine, and it has been linked to poorer treatment outcomes and increased pain sensitivity. Emotional and Pain functions in the brain share many of the same pathways and 'brain chemicals' (neurotransmitters).  Addressing Depression effectively, even mild Depression, can markedly improve Migraine in some people.  

Dysautonomia & Migraine

Dysautonomia, a disruption of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), is frequently associated with migraine. The ANS controls involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion, and dysregulation of these systems can exacerbate migraine severity. For example, orthostatic hypotension (blood pressure drop during standing) and tachycardia (fast heart rate) have been observed in individuals with migraines, likely due to autonomic dysfunction.  The ANS can also interact with pain pathways, potentially amplifying pain perception, promoting inflammation, and contributing to the chronicity of migraines.  Neuregen's assessment process closely examines the ANS, often revealing previously undetected abnormalities, which can be addressed to reset and balance the ANS. 

Vestibular System
in Migraine

  The brain's balance system, called the 'Vestibular system' has been implicated in Migraine.  In  some migraine sufferers, abnormal processing in vestibular-related brainstem areas can promote central (brain) hyperexcitability, which can worsen or prolong migraine attacks by increasing sensitivity to sensory stimuli.  Neuregen's diagnostic process includes an in-depth assessment of vestibular function to detect subtle abnormalities, which can be addressed in a targeted therapy plan.

Brain Function & Migraine

Subtle changes in Brain function, associated with prior head injury (e.g., concussion), accelerated aging, poor health, or other environment factors, can contribute to persistent Migraine.   Some clues suggesting brain involvement  include "brain fog", concentration problem, changes in memory, or changes in mood.    Neuregen's diagnostic process involves an in-depth assessment of brain function, which leads to a personalized treatment program to improve any detected deficits.  The idea is that a healthy brain generally doesn't feel pain!  In other words, by improving overall brain function, Migraines can often be expected to markedly reduce or even completely go away. 

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