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Chronic Pain Conditions

neuregen scottsdale pain clinic



Options =

New Hope for 

Chronic Pain

Optimization-Based Pain Therapy =
Relief through Improved Health & Function.

How Neuregen's Optimization-based Approach to the Treatment of Challenging Pain brings about more than Relief.

Neuregen's Comprehensive Approach to the Treatment of Pain takes aim at the overlapping factors that cause pain to become prolonged, stubborn, and disabling.


Chronic pain, medical trauma, and post-surgical pain are interrelated conditions that share common mechanisms, such as sensitization of peripheral nerves,  central nervous system (brain) changes, and psychological and emotional contributors.

Medical trauma refers to the psychological and emotional distress that occurs as a result of medical treatments, illnesses, or hospital experiences, such as invasive procedures, serious diagnoses, or interactions with healthcare professionals. Medical trauma can

manifest as emotional symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression, or insomnia), physical symptoms (e.g., increased heart rate or sweating), or cognitive symptoms (e.g., brain fog, intrusive memories, or flashbacks).

Chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) is pain that persists for more than three months after surgery. It can develop after a range of surgeries, including hernia repair, mastectomy, knee replacement, and spine surgery. The pain can manifest as burning, stabbing, or aching. Some sufferers may also experience abnormal sensations such as tingling, numbness, or hypersensitivity.  CPSP can arise from nerve damage or inflammation from the surgical procedure itself. CPSP is considered a complex condition influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors.

Chronic Pain, such as Chronic Low Back pain (CLBP), is a common, often debilitating condition that can affect physical function, emotional well-being, and quality of life.  Is believed to most often result from overlapping causes, including biomechanical factors (e.g., disc degeneration, or stenosis), neuropathic factors (e.g., nerve inflammation), muscle imbalances, central sensitization (brain changes that increase pain), and psychological and emotional stress (incl., anxiety and depression). ​

Key Targets in Neuregen's
Pain Treatment Approach

Nerve Inflammation & Sensitization

Neurogenic inflammation is process in which peripheral nerves release 'irritating chemicals' (neuropeptides) that cause inflammation and activate pain receptors (nociceptors), causing ongoing pain and sensitization of nerves.  An important challenge with this type of pain is that it is invisible to imaging (like MRI) and can persist even when surrounding tissue is otherwise normal. 

Brain & Central Nervous System Changes

Prolonged pain leads to structural and functional changes in the brain, particularly in regions involved in pain perception, emotional regulation, and fear processing.  Any comprehensive pain approach should involve an assessment and treatment plan addressing involvement of the brain in pain processing. 

Psychological & Emotional Factors in Pain

Psychological factors significantly influence chronic pain. Anxiety, depression, and emotional dysregulation are strongly associated with higher pain intensity and poor pain coping. Chronic stress alters brain function, which has been associated with exacerbating pain perception and reducing resilience to pain 

Joint Rejuvenation

Joint Rejuvenation is a non-surgical approach to pain relief that aims to promote regeneration of soft tissue, tendon, and ligament damage in and around target joints of the body.  This approach employs cutting-edge cellular and regenerative therapies.

Ketamine Therapy

In recent years Ketamine has been used as a non-opiate alternative (to Opioids) for chronic pain syndromes such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), neuropathic pain, and other intractable chronic pain states. Ketamine's antidepressant effects suggests that it may also benefit emotional components of chronic pain.

Functional-Neuro Orthopedic Rehabilitation (FNOR)

FNOR involves an integrative assessment and therapy formulation approach that is based on a technology-based, kinematic assessment of biomechanics to identify pivotal deficits in movement, which can inform a high-leverage, precision therapy prescription.  The FNOR process also integrates as assessment of psychological, brain and peripheral nervous system factors that promote pain.

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