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Intravenous (IV) Therapies

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Brain &

Mental Health 
IV Therapy Clinic

An Often- Missed Opportunity
for Healthy Brain Aging

How Neuregen utilizes IV Therapies to Boost Results in Mental- and Brain Health 

Much of the focus in therapies for mental health and brain function are focused on neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain), such as serotonin and dopamine, or on the promotion of new brain connections (aka neuroplasticity).  These are worthy targets for rehabilitation of conditions like depression, anxiety, brain injury, concussion, Parkinson's, POTS, dysautonomia, and headache.  However, one relatively underutilized avenue to promote healing, healthy again, and improved brain function is metabolism

Brain metabolism refers to the process of utilizing oxygen, glucose and other nutrients to produce energy for maintaining neurological functions in the brain.

Metabolism is frequently impaired in conditions including, concussion, brain trauma, dementia, alcoholism, substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and accelerated brain aging, among others.  

Neuregen strategically utilizes concentrated and target IV therapies to support brain and mental health rehabilitation by delivering nutrients and molecules to support transformative changes in the brain & nervous system.  You might think of it as providing a lot of the "right stuff, at the right time". 

Just as an athlete attends to nutrition and supplementation during critical training periods, we provide an abundant supply of critical nutrients during periods of brain stimulation.

Some of our IV Therapies for Brain & Mental Health

IV NAD+ Therapy

A key therapy in some of our most effective treatment protocols for mental and brain health:  NAD+ as been demonstrated to be of benefit in treating cognitive impairment and neuroinflammation (inflammation of brain / nerves).  counteracting processes in neurodegenerative diseases, such as those occurring in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington diseases.   We recommend it as part of our integrative therapy programs for addiction, mental health, and brain rehabilitation.  

IV Glutathione Therapy

Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant, which is produce naturally inside cells. When the brain consumes a large amount of oxygen and leads to high production of reactive oxygen species ("cellular exhaust fumes"), which can counterproductively damage cells. The antioxidative effects of glutathione counteract this process and support brain cell health and function.  

IV Methylated-B12

B12 is essential for health of the brain and nervous system.  B12 deficiency has been demonstrated in a range of nervous system conditions, including dysautonomia, POTS, neuropathy, depression, and anxiety, to name a few.   B12 absorption can be affected by GI inflammation and genetic factors. IV B12 is a reliable way to deliver a large, therapeutic dose of the nutrient.   

IV Micronutrient Therapy

Micronutrient deficiencies can lead to significant reductions in energy level, mental clarity and overall function, but also marked reduction in overall brain function.  This is critical in instances of mental- and brain health challenges, such as depression, anxiety and insomnia.  The intravenous path allows for rapid restoration of optimal nutrient levels and maximum exposure of delivered nutrients. 

Peptides & Amino Acids

Peptides support a range of functions in the body.  In the context of brain and mental health rehabilitation, they can support processes of growth and repair.  Amino acids are used by the brain as building blocks for various neurotransmitters and neuromodulators.  

Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue enhances ATP production in mitochondria.  It has also been proposed to increase 

cytochrome oxidase (complex IV) activity, which improves oxygen consumption and ATP production, which has been proposed to potentially support memory-related functions, enhance glucose metabolism and promotes healthy cellular aging.  It has also been proposed to elevate acetylcholine levels in the brain, supporting arousal, attention, & memory.

High Dose Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) IV

High-dose vitamin C IV therapy has been proposed to support multiple health associated with cellular health, including boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation.  There is evidence suggesting that vitamin C deficiency is related to adverse mood and cognitive effects. 

Migraine Rescue

One of our most formidable migraine rescue therapies.  IV infusion is utilized widely in the emergency room setting to treat severe migraine.   We make this option accessible on a walk-in basis as well as conveniently for our members.  

IV Procaine

Procaine IV Infusions have been proposed to essentially "reset" nerve activity, potentially relieving nerve pain, headaches, anxiety, depression, and chronic inflammatory conditions.

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